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All riders and future riders are welcome in our riding school.


Our riding school offers various possibilities from riding lessons in the arena through therapeutic riding with our certified therapist till horse riding camps for children and trail rides. At the moment we have 32 horses to ensure that everyone can learn the basics of riding, enjoy a trail ride or participate in therapeutic riding on the horse which is the most suitable for his or her level and body type.


All our horses are well trained and mixed between older, very experienced and younger horses, who are gradually introduced to their task as reliable training and trail horses. Carriage rides are also possible with us.

Erhalten Sie hier einen Überblick über unsere Leistungen und Preise 2023


Wählen Sie ganz nach Ihren Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben die richtige Art des Unterrichts oder lassen sich von uns bei einem geführten Ausritt in die malerische Landschaft des Zalatals entführen. Sie wünschen exklusive Unterstützung im Umgang mit dem Pferd oder wollen Ihre eigenen Kompetenzen stärken? Lassen Sie sich von unserer Reittherapeutin beraten.


For us every horse is special individuum with its strengths and weaknesses.

We offer riding lessons for beginners, advanced riders and for those who haven’t ridden for a long time but would like to start riding again. We assign the horse to the rider according to the rider’s level. Horses are individuals with their personal strengths and weaknesses, according to which we use them in our lessons, trail rides or carriage rides. Our professional riding instructors work hard to provide a flawless riding experience for you.


  • To learn the basics of riding, you can take lessons on the lunge.

  • As an advanced rider, you can choose between group and individual lessons. If you haven’t ridden a horse for ages, the perfect time to get back in the saddle has come.


Would you like to learn more about your horse instructor or riding partner? Follow our “Meet our horses” series on Facebook or Instagram.



Enjoy our grandiose river landscape and the endless expanses of the Zala Valley on horseback!

You are not an experienced rider yet? Or you would like to enjoy trail rides without having to cross the highways?

No problem, we will make your dreams come true! Adapted to your skills, we offer various riding experiences ranging from relaxed walk-trot trail rides till one-day riding treks with a picnic.

You can contemplate the beautiful scenery from horseback, and you can even try swimming with horses in our immediate vicinity if you are an advanced rider.


You don’t want to ride, but you would still like to explore the unique countryside? Book a carriage ride to discover our region!


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A special bond between human and horse

Compared to traditional riding lessons, therapeutic riding focuses even more on the relationship and interaction between the horse and the rider. It is fundamental in equine-assisted therapy that the horse and the rider establish a relationship based on trust.


Since the movement of the horse is similar to the human gait, it allows the rider to experience the three-dimensional movement. Apart from helping people consciously perceive their own bodies, riding also helps the rider share his personal space with another living organism, as well as receive the horse’s body proximity.


The horse is a non-judgemental friend who offers a stable and firm base for the human.


Therapeutic riding is led by a certified and experienced riding therapist along with a therapy horse trained specifically for this purpose.


Our broad course offer for beginners and advanced riders

As a beginner rider you will benefit from our well-trained and experienced horses.

Learn to ride in a combination of theoretical basics and riding sessions with our skilled riding instructors in our "Learn to ride intensive" 5-day seminars. Our experienced riding instructors will support you in your riding education and train you in safe handling of the horse.


Rider development - individual progressFor advanced riders we offer two weekend seminars with the focus on "Safe in the field" and "The correct seat". Here you can choose to learn the basics of cross-country and trail riding or improve your seat and work on correct aids under the guidance of our riding instructors. The combination of theoretical elements and practical application in the lessons guarantees you a personal learning experience. 

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